I'm a designer. I'm a mom. I'm hands on. I'm in love with Kent Coffey"s "The Tableau" series. I never have enough coffee in the morning. I'm addicted to Curb Side pick up at Target. I always wear my mask. Now that you know a little about me, we can talk about the creative details.
I earned my BFA from Columbia College Chicago. Being a ColumAlum gives me all the feels. Columbia nurtured every aspect of who I was, and who I could become, giving me space to work with my hands, in the wood shop, in the pottery studio, the freedom to come up with the most absurd ideas, and the guidance to turn those ideas into workable solutions.
I am very technical and detail driven with publication design, using all the style options, keeping my files tight and clean. I love Art Direction, the feeling of looks, lighting, ideas, all meshing into this picture you had in your mind (and if you're me, dedicated pinterest boards to each aspect of every project). I've been part of a print and web design team at an agency, the marketing and design coordinator at a small start-up. I've enjoyed a full freelance career, always being on retainer with multiple clients. My favorite role has been as an Art Director at a magazine, while also overseeing the entire design department as a member of the executive committee.
I can't wait to hear from you. Have a lovely day.